Monday, November 22, 2010


We have been putting the final touches on our photographs and formatting them the same way. We have three pages with many photographs, so they are definitely an important element to our site.

This week, I am going to try to take a photograph of the tattoo shop from outside at night and continue to help prepare the photographs for the site. I need to create thumbnails for the skin gallery.


  1. I've seen your groups finalized website on Chris' blog and it looks great. I have been in charge of all of the images for my group and they too are a big part of a site. I know how much of a pain in the butt it can be to resize them, edit them, save them for web and so on. You also used light box so I know doing that same process for the thumbnails was also a pain in the butt. From what I have seen on the site it looks like you did a nice job managing all of the photos and getting them to the point of being presentable. Nice work!!

  2. I love how you call the gallery, the skin gallery. Did you put that name on the site? Please say yes.. hehe.. Im sure you guys are doing great. Cant wait to see how the picture you take at night turns out.
